Timeline Tales of The Walking Dead | Dee (eng)
Timeline Tales of The Walking Dead
September 17th, 2013
After leaving the Baltimore basement where they fled at the beginning of the outbreak, Dee (Alpha) and her daughter Lydia found a welcome in a community that sails on a riverboat. Here, life seems to flow as before, between costume parties and refined dinners, under the careful supervision of the group leader Brooke, a former gymnastics teacher.
Dee can not stand the deep bond that has been established in the over a year of stay on the boat, between her daughter Lydia and the woman, who has entered the girl's life as a sort of alter ego of her real mother.
September 18th, 2013
When the boat is attacked by an outside group and all passengers are killed, Dee manages to bring her daughter to safety ashore, where she also finds Brooke.
In the final confrontation between the two women, Dee will come to scar Brooke's face, guilty of having instilled in Lydia's mind false hopes for a different future.
Exhausted by desperate adverse conditions, Dee decides to end it with her daughter, when the two are surrounded by a group of Whisperers, whose leader is a woman named Hera.
Dee, now Alpha, will end up killing Hera and establishing herself as the new leader of the Whisperers.
PS: the dates of the timeline are approximate but more or less it all happened in those days.
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