Timeline Tales of The Walking Dead | Davon (eng)

Timeline Tales of The Walking Dead 


August 26th, 2025 
Davon, a young man on a journey to be reunited with his family in Canada, is seriously injured in a confrontation with a stranger. He is rescued by Amanda and Nora, two sisters who look after him for seven weeks in their home in an isolated community. Among his personal effects a family photo and a mysterious plastic card with the words PPP (identical to the one found by Tara at the site of Heath's disappearance in the episode Swear of the seventh season of TWD).
October 13th, 2025 
Recovering from the accident, Davon discovers that Amanda is hiding kidnapped boys in the basement. When the woman dies during a hard confrontation between the two, the young man is blamed for the murder by the inhabitants of the small community.
October 14th, 2025
Eventually he will be able to clear himself when he discovers that the real person responsible for the kidnapping and death of several children was in fact Arnaud, the son of Amanda whom she was trying to protect.
PS: the dates of the timeline are approximate but more or less it all happened in those days.

Evie/Joe    Blair/Gina    Dee    Amy/Dr. Everett    La Doña
