Timeline The Walking Dead - The Ones Who Live | Season One

Timeline The Walking Dead - The Ones Who Live | Season One


Finally, after years of waiting, the long-awaited reunion between the two major protagonists of the TWD Universe, Rick and Michonne, arrives.
Since the explosion of the river bridge where everyone thought Rick lost his life, several years have passed during which time in Alexandria and the other communities has slowly gone away without him.
The lives of those who remained have moved on in Rick's memory, and his children have grown up without him. There are those who 
have never forgotten him, those who have never stopped looking for him, those who have sworn to find him again.
Michonne in the meantime has left the Commonwealth, Judith and RJ, to go look for the man she has never forgotten.
Fighting against the power of the CRM that wants to keep them away and many other adverse events, the two unlucky lovers will finally manage to find each other again.
Below is the timeline with the main events of the First Season of TWD The Ones Who Live.
PS: the dates are approximate but more or less it all happened in those days.


Told in flashback

November 22nd, 2013
Rick blows up the bridge and everyone thinks he's dead, but Jadis saves him by handing him over to the CRM militia.
December 4th, 2014
More than a year after his capture, Rick meets Jadis again in Millennium Park outside the 
Civic Republic of Philadelphia.
September 27th, 2017
Held captive since his rescue, Rick has escaped, not for the first time.
He reaches a riverbank across Philadelphia and writes a message to Michonne which he leaves adrift in a bottle. Uncovered by the CRM soldiers, he throws a bag onto a beached boat, containing the engraved telephone and the boots which will later be found by Virgil. Soon after he is captured again.
November 7th, 2018
After years of imprisonment and breakeaway attempts, Rick tries yet another escape, cutting off his left hand to free himself, but fails again.
With the help and patronage of Lieutenant Colonel Okafor, he then decides to join the CRM army to have more freedom of action and greater possibilities of escape.
March 15th, 2019
Gabriel meets Jadis in the woods near Alexandria for the first time.
March 15th, 2020
After a year Jadis and Gabriel meet again.
August 21st, 2020
On the day of the bombing of Omaha (World Beyond), Okafor informs Rick that he has placed him in charge of building a CRM operating base that will occupy him for the next twelve months. Shortly before, Rick had attempted to take his own life but was unable to do so.
March 15th, 2021
After another year Jadis and Gabriel see each other again, not knowing that it will be their last meeting.

Events of the first season

January 28th, 2022
More than a year has passed since Okafor's orders and the Cascadia operational base is now finished and operative. Rick and Okafor are on a helicopter reconnaissance when the aircraft is attacked and shot down. Okafor dies, Rick manages to abandon the wreckage of the helicopter, when he is joined by a hooded woman who is about to cut his throat. But the two recognize each other and remain petrified. That woman is Michonne.
Rick convinces Michonne to follow him to the Civic Republic by posing as someone else and pretending not to know him, and she follows him trustingly.
January 30th, 2022
Jadis, found out that Michonne has arrived at the CRF, confronts Rick and threatens to reveal everything.
January 31st, 2022
It's the day of Okafor's funeral. Beale, Thorne, Rick and Jadis are present at the ritual. Beale promotes Thorne to Command Sergeant Major.
February 1st, 2022 (...)
Rick orchestrates Michonne's escape from the CRF through the abandoned subway corridors, but ultimately informs Michonne that he won't follow her.
February 2nd, 2022
The following day, Rick discovers that Michonne didn't run away but stayed at her place of work. During a walk in Millennium Park, Michonne meets the boy who etched Rick's cell phones.
March 6th, 2022
Thorne enlists Michonne on a mission to Cascadia. Rick and Michonne have the chance to flee but he doesn't dare escape and tells her that he will never leave and that she must forget him.
That same night, during a stormy flight back to Philadelphia, Michonne opens the helicopter door and throws herself into the void with Rick.
March 7th, 2022
Fallen into a lake, Rick and Michonne find refuge in an abandoned but perfectly functional building. Here the conflict between the two becomes harsh and violent  as Rick intends to go back and remain in the CRM.
March 8th, 2022
At dawn they realize that the helicopter they were traveling on has crashed into the building where they are. Soon another CRM helicopter arrives and bombs the site of the impact to erase all traces.
March 9th, 2022
Rick finally understands that his place is next to his family and leaves with Michonne.

March 14th, 2022
After a few days on the run, Rick and Michonne arrive in Wyoming, where they take refuge for the night in a cabin in the woods.
March 15th, 2022
The next morning they have a rough awakening. Jadis followed and caught up with them. During a fight the woman is bitten by a walker. As she is now at the end, she reveals to the couple that the file with the information on Alexandria is located in her apartment in Cascadia. Rick and Michonne then decide to go back to recover it and put an end to the CRM once and for all.
That same day Gabriel reaches the usual meeting place with Jadis, but seeing that she is not there, he understands that she is dead.
March 16nd, 2022
With Jadis' helicopter, Rick and Michonne arrive in Cascadia and break into the base. While Michonne retrieves the file on Alexandria, Rick receives secret information from Beale regarding the Echelon briefing, namely that Portland with its entire population will be destroyed and only ten percent of the city's children will be saved to preserve future generations. Rick kills Beale and together with Michonne blows up the Summit location with all the top ranks of the CRM.
Thorne tries to thwart them but Michonne kills the woman.

September 4th, 2022
An off voice informs us that the CRM leaders have been eradicated and that the militia's current mission is to help communities outside the republic. Every citizen is now free to enter or exit the republic with no restrictions.
A helicopter takes Rick and Michonne back to Alexandria where they can finally hug Judith and RJ again.


  1. I just figured out why Rick is the way he is because he's not with good people look what they did to those people with all that yellow smoke trying to kill them deadly gas bad people

  2. I'm so excited to see how their reunion unfolds.


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