Timeline The Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon | Season One

Timeline The Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon | Season One


In the new spinoff of The Walking Dead, starring Daryl Dixon, we find the beloved character suddenly catapulted in France, dealing with new mutations of walkers, and fighting with yet another villain of the moment.
Between the gothic atmospheres of abbeys and medieval castles and the responsibility of having to escort a special boy towards a predetermined destination, Daryl will at the same time try to find his way home to America.
Below is the timeline with the main events of the First Season of TWD Daryl Dixon.
PS: the dates are approximate but more or less it all happened in those days.

Told in flashback

November 2nd, 2022
Few months after leaving the Commonwealth, Daryl is in Maine and in exchange of fuel, he joins some walker hunters working for French scientists who are experimenting on walkers aboard a ship.
November 5th, 2022
Daryl contacts Carol by radio, and she informs him that someone has returned, although it's not clear who he is.
November 6th, 2022
Due to a fight with one of the hunters, Daryl is imprisoned on the ship, which sails to France.
November 20th, 2022
Daryl manages to free himself and opens the walker cages causing panic on board. To escape the fire on the ship, he throws himself into the sea.

Events of the first season

November 22nd, 2022
Daryl lands on a beach near Marseille, in the south of France.
December 2nd, 2022
In an abandoned market Daryl fights a group of walkers, some with mutated blood, and is infected by one of them.
December 3rd, 2022
Daryl is rescued by Sister Isabelle and taken to her abbey, where he receives initial treatment and the infection is stopped with a cauterization.
December 5th, 2022
Codron, leader of an enemy group, arrives at the abbey believing Daryl guilty of his brother's death. In the ensuing firefight, almost all the nuns are killed, but Codron is put to flight wounded.
December 6th, 2022
The next day Daryl, Isabelle, Sylvie and young Laurent leave for the north of the country.
December 12th, 2022
The group arrives in Angers, where there is a representative of the faith and aid organization of which the nuns are part, only to discover that he has gone mad.
December 14th, 2022
Once in Paris Daryl and the others meet Fallou, another companion of the merciful organization, who leads them to a night club where Isabelle finds Quinn, her ex-boyfriend whom she abandoned along the road at the beginning of the pandemic, and who she discovers is Laurent's father.
At the same time Codron, still on Daryl's trail, arrives at the nightclub.
December 15th, 2022
Quinn kidnaps Laurent, who is however freed by Daryl. Isabelle and Sylvie decide to stay in Paris and entrust the child to Daryl, who will take him to the Nest
(Mont Saint-Michel).
December 17th, 2022
While Daryl and Laurent are boating down a river towards the Nest, they are captured by Genet's men, who take them to their headquarters. At the same time Anna, jealous of Quinn's rekindled interest in Isabelle, betrays the man and he too is imprisoned by Genet. Daryl and Quinn are forced to fight in an arena against mutated zombies, but thanks to the intervention of Fallou, Sylvie and Emile, and the sacrifice of Quinn himself, the small group manages to escape.
December 19th, 2022
Daryl, Isabelle, Laurent and Sylvie arrive at the Nest welcomed by the community led by Losang.
December 26th, 2022
Daryl leaves the Nest for the northern coast, where Losang has arranged a meeting with a boat that will take him to England.
December 27th, 2022
Daryl arrives at Omaha Beach where he sees the boat waiting for him in the distance, but discovers that Laurent has followed him and, although uncertain, decides to stay.
At the same time in Maine, Carol is looking for Daryl.

next season
